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“I am not what has happened to me.

 I  am what I choose to become.” 

- Carl Jung

Start your journey of healing by inhaling the future and exhaling the past…

About Jessica Twomey

I am a south Denver based licensed clinical social worker who works with adults experiencing symptoms of anxiety, PTSD, trauma, life transitions, relationship issues, depression or are grieving.  Despite the heavy topics discussed, I like to integrate humor, straight forward communication and to utilize my empathetic nature to help clients heal and grow.

  • Are you feeling like you may never heal your emotional wounds and will never experience the freedom and change that comes with it?  

  • Are you struggling with the effects of a traumatic childhood or events? 

  • Are you feeling like you are not able to move forward because of constantly second guessing your choices?

I help my clients attain their goals by listening, connecting and supporting them. I provide clients with the skills they need to help themselves. Each client has their own unique story which requires an individualized treatment plan.  You might need someone to help guide you through a rough patch or you may want to leave the past where it belongs… in the past, and move forward feeling lighter and more hopeful for the future.  Clients are provided with resources and coping strategies that allow them to build resilience —  and the confidence to navigate what life brings them.

Areas of Expertise

  • Trauma
  •  Complex Trauma
  • PTSD 
  • Attachment Issues 
  • Anxiety 
  • Depression 
  • Grief and Loss
  • Life Transitions
  • Relationship Issues


Why the name Chestnut Oak Counseling?

Chestnut Oak Counseling is named after the Chestnut Oak tree because of its ability to grow and thrive in difficult circumstances. The Chestnut Oak can be found growing in dry, rocky soils and survives where other trees do not. 

Like the Chestnut Oak, people are survivors. We can endure and flourish even after experiencing difficult situations and childhoods. We are resilient and strong and it is possible for us to grow and thrive after enduring pain and trauma in our lives. I have seen this happen! 

The name Chestnut Oak Counseling is a reminder that we are tougher than we realize. You can come through difficult circumstances and still flourish. We will work together to help you become the best version of yourself.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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